

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

How to hide XSS in flash movies/games

[Image: Adobe-moves-to-patch-zero-day-XSS-vulner...ge2_70.jpg]

Here is a tutorial on how to rip and edit an existing flash movie/game for use in XSS attacks. The objective is to steal cookies silently without changing the flash movie's behavior from the perspective of the user.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Weaknesses in google Chrome XSSAuditor - a bypass found!

r0ng's XSS Challenges - Challenge 2

Try to solve these challenges and send me your solutions via the comments (moderated), if you are correct I will add you to the solvers list :).

r0ng's XSS Challenges - Challenge 1

Try to solve these challenges and send me your solutions via the comments (moderated), if you are correct I will add you to the solvers list :).